90s Teen Horror - Parts 1 & 2

Mindy and Darren look back at their formative years in Part 1 of 90s Teen Horror. They examine the WB and the wave that brought us star-driven horror movies with Sarah Michelle Gellar and the Dawson's Creek gang. In this episode we discuss the 1998 ADWEEK article, THE BOOM TUBE, and I Know What you Did Last Summer.

With Part 2 of our 90s Teen Horror we go back to the days of our youth. We further explore the teensploitation of the MTV-WB era. We explore Jamie Blanks' star-packed Urban Legend (1998), and the Miramax produced, Kevin Williamson penned, directed by Robert Rodriguez, Breakfast Club vs Alien invasion movie, THE FACULTY (1998).

If you want to dive even deeper into 90s horror, check out Alexandra West (@ScareAlex) and her book The 1990s Teen Horror Cycle: Final Girls and a New Hollywood Formula. She's also cohost of The Faculty of Horror podcast.

Alien Friends, or UF-Foes?

With our eyes on the sky we explore the field of UFOs! We talk old and new declassified material and phenomena. To close out, we talk two classic alien abduction movies: Communion (1989) and Fire in the Sky (1993). And the history of probings! 

The Alien Saga: PART ONE

Joining us for PART ONE of our Alien series are the Women in Caskets (@womenincaskets), Dawn and Jen. We're big fans of their Austin-based podcast and their unique perspective on the horror genre. Together we dissect, analyze, and love all over the Alien series founded by Ridley Scott, Dan O'Bannon and Sigourney Weaver. Covering Alien, and Aliens we talk legacy, xenomorphs, and the indomitable Ellen Ripley. With plenty of behind-the-scenes details, we nerd out over these sci-fi horror cornerstones.


Monsters by Gareth Edwards (Godzilla), and Monsters: Dark Continent by Tom Green are two very different films that share a universe. One, unassuming and naturalistic, and the other a broad-reaching war story. We weigh in on these striking alien tales. Check them out on Netflix Streaming! 

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