Amityville Horror, Monster House and The Shining!

When a home is so much more, we explore the theme of Haunted Houses in this Part 1 with Stuart Rosenberg's THE AMITYVILLE HORROR (1979) and the 2006 animated MONSTER HOUSE.

In our return visit to Haunted Houses, we arrive at The Overlook Hotel, the site of Stephen King's THE SHINING. Adapted by Diane Johnson and Stanley Kubrick, the 1980 film starring Jack Nicholson and Shelley Duvall is a different animal entirely. We talk shared brilliance and wild differences.

Lunch Hour Reviews Bone Tomahawk & Children of the Corn

This #MacabreMonday we talk about two movies: the oldie but goody, 1984's Children of the Corn, based on the Stephen King short story, and 2015's Bone Tomahawk by S. Craig Zahler. Check them out! Children of the Corn is on Netflix now and holds up (mostly). Totally worth a watch. Bone Tomahawk (on iTunes & Amazon Video) is a western with horror elements starring the indomitable Kurt Russell.