Possessions & Exorcisms: Part Two

In part two of our Possession & Exorcist series we talk the Church's history and dive into 1973's The Exorcist. William Friedkin's classic production of William Peter Blatty's novel gets a close look, and Mindy debates it's status as one of the most frightening films ever made. Undoubtedly one of the greatest casts in horror history, starring Max von Sydow, Linda Blair, Ellen Burstyn and Jason Miller.

Possessions & Exorcisms: Part One

In the first of our 2-Part series on Possessions and Exorcisms we examine some history, and the 2012 film The Possession. The Ole Bornedal film stars Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Kyra Sedgwick, Natasha Calis, and Matisyahu as their Rabbi exorcist.