We watched Ice Cream Man. The the bizarre 1995 collaboration between Clint Howard and a prolific porn director. Mindy loves it for numerous reasons, and Darren is still confused. We also cover The Walking Dead Season 6 finale, do some catching up, and talk music. Apophenia is out now on the FANGORIA MUSICK site, on iTunes.
Lunch Hour Reviews Dark Was the Night
It's a week of catching up and comparing notes on Dark Was the Night (2014). Directed by Jack Heller, and starring the formidable Kevin Durand. We wrap up talking The Twilight Zone, X-Files, and The Walking Dead season 6 mid-season opener.
Horror Video Games: Part 1
In Part One of our Video Games Series Mindy and I are joined by Jaxon Dillon-Fish, and Pete Dali, two lifelong gamers and video game obsessives. We compare notes and talk about Maniac Mansion, Bad Mojo, The 7th Guest, Slender Man, Resident Evil, Silent Hill, The Walking Dead Telltale Series, Dead Rising, Dead Island, and DayZ.